F-Boy Island, the exact opposite of The Love Trap, has had rave reviews. Three women choose from a trove of handsome men, some are nice guys and some are F-Boys. It's highly entertaining and I'm not walking away feeling like it somehow glorifies men and demonizes women. In the end, I think it mostly shows just how easily men manipulate women for sex and affection. Or, should I say, how disappointing it is to watch women continue to choose men who do them wrong?
The women on that show read as smart and confident, and despite their no BS demeanor, still end up falling for the guys who are full of sh*t. These shows do not make me feel like single women are targeted. It makes me feel as if, regardless of relationship status, the types of people who want to be on reality TV are generally scum. They are self-serving. That is why they are all there. It's 15 desperate minutes of fame for all participants, with the hope of it growing into something more lucrative. The people on these shows deserve each other. I don't see your narrative: the desperate, pathetic, deceitful single woman. Honestly, that is exactly how I would describe the men on these shows. The women are portrayed as fodder for those kinds of men to fight over. I would much rather be considered the deceiver than the deceived. At least that is a position of power.